Sunday, March 29, 2009

To School Tomorrow

Today was nice. I slept late (about 11), but the family didn't mind, since they knew that I was tired. After a quick lunch, I helped Guillaume's father, Marc, tend to his garden, pulling up some small tree stumps, and moving some violets. Afer that Guillaume returned home from the Monastary (where he had spent the night at before for his Confirmation), and we talked about movies and music, until it was time for dinner. It was also his 16th birthday today, so we also had cake and sang Happy Birthday in 3 different languages (French, English, then German)! He recieved his presents from his family, everyone took pictures of. Since I did not give my gifts to the family yesterday due to Guillaume and his Mother leaving early, I gave the gifts to them today, which they all really appreciate and enjoy! But now it is late (almost 10), and we need to wake up at 6, so I shall talk more tomorrow!

Also, I forgot the cable that connects my camera to the computer, so you will not be able to see any pictures until I get back!!!

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